Bonjour readers!!! This post is a little different for two reasons. One, there two words of the day. Two, per your request, I have added three more sections to my posts. You will find them after "What I Did in Order".
Day: Thursday, July 7th
French Words of the Day: Fleur and Tour
Translation: Flower and Tower
What I Did in Order: Woke up. Had breakfast. Got dressed. Took a Metro, train, and eventually /bus Shuttle. Got to Giverny. Giverny is where Monet painted. Stood in line. Bought ticket. Went in. Looked at the gardens with all the pretty fleurs. Went to the stream. Took lots of pictures. I'll post some of them on my blog when I get home. Looked at the gift shop. Bought postcards. Used public transportation to get back. Went to dinner. Went to the Tour Eiffel. Stood in line. Bought ticket. Went in. Climbed to the first level. Climbed to the second level. Those together take 15 minutes. Looked around. Couldn't climb to the top. Had to take elevator. Stood in line for elevator. Took elevator to the top. Reached the top at 10:40 Took pictures. Went down. Went home.
One (or two) Funny Things I Saw: A group of kids younger than me at the top of the Tour Eiffel at 11:00 at night.
What I Tried: Mashed Potatoes and Cooked Green Beans.
The Fashion: I have noticed that football type jackets are VERY popular with males and females. I also noticed that there were a lot of high heels climbing the Tour Eiffel.
Favorite Thing Today: Being at the top of the Tour Eiffel at night. The whole thing lit up and every body cheered.
What I Learned Today: That you can't climb all the way to the top of the Tour Eiffel.
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: SHOPPING!!!!!!!