Friday, July 22, 2011


Hi ya'll!!

Sorry, I just watched a Friday Night Light's episode. Friday Night Light is a show that I am in the second season of but the showed just finished it's finale forever. I said ya'll because it takes place in Texas and they say ya'll a lot.

Anyway... I'm blogging to say that tomorrow I'm going away to overnight camp and I will be gone until August fourteenth.

Bye ya'll!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Q and A with E's Friends: L

Alright, L is actually my cousin but she's still my friend. Here's my interview with her:

Q: What's your favorite song ever?
A: I have no idea but I really like Lady Gaga.

Q: What's your favorite subject in school?
A: Math

Q: Why do you like math?
A: Because it's awesome.

Q: Do you do math outside of school?
A: Sometimes.

Q:  What's your favorite TV show?
A: Glee

Q: Do you have anything else to say?
A: I like playing soccer, I have an older brother, I have a cat named Mookie.

Q: Do you like your older brother?
A: Well, usually I don't, but sometimes I do.

Q: What position do you play in soccer?
A: I don't really have a position, but a lot of the time I play midfield. 

Q: Are you excited to watch the Women's World Cup Finals?

Q: Now do you have anything else to say?
A: Umm, umm, uhhhhhhhhh, wait wait wait, wait I think I do, umm, I have no idea what my favorite color is but I like lime green, blue, and purple, and silver and gold, and some shades of pink, but not a lot, and white and black, and a zillion other colors. Ohh wait also: VISIT MY BLOG. HaHaHa.

That was my interview with my cousin. It's 11:52 and we have to go have breakfast... Bye!!

Home Sweet Home

So I haven't posted in over a week but here's what's happened:

Our airplane flight got delayed and then moved to a smaller plane. We got bumped because they didn't have room on the plane for us. We spent like seven hours in the airport because we got moved to a flight at seven PM. It was OK though because they gave us free meals and free money. Plus the plane they moved us to was a double decker and and we were on the top level. I also watched this awesome movie called Just Go With It starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. IT WAS SOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!

Now I'm home, well actually I'm at my cousin's house. We've been watching a ton of Glee episodes. Today we're going to watch the US v JAPAN WORLD CUP FINALS!!!!! We're watching at a Mexican place with two flat screen TVs!! I'm soooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!

PS: I'm probably going to post at least one more time today.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last day in Paris!

Bonjour! This is my last post before home! Tomorrow is Goodbye Paris!

Day: Saturday, July 9th
French Word of the Day: Chevaux.
Translation: Horses
What I Did in Order: Woke up at 10:30 am. Got dressed. Went to The Louvre. Stood in line. Went in. Saw all these Italian paintings and sculptures. I liked the babies. Looked at the gift shop. Bought something for someone. Left. Ate lunch. Went to Haagen Dazs for ice cream. They didn't have any plain chocolate. Started walking backto the hotel and looking for ice cream. Got back to the hotel with no luck. Playyed on the computer. Went to the Jarden De Luxembourg to go to the playground and look for plain chocolate ice cream. The playground was too crowded. Got ice cream. Ice cream had chocolate chunks in it. Dad finished ice cream. Went to bookstore. Bought French comic book to use to learn French. Learned the word for horses: Chevaux. Went back to hotel. Went out to dinner. Walked around. Went home. Wrote post.
What I tried: Oops! Nothing!
One (or two) Funny Things I Saw: All this weird stuff in the gift shop including a Mona Lisa rubix cube.
The Fashion: Today I decided that one of the biggest fashion statements in France is jackets. There are SOOO many different kinds of jackets. Also decided that I want all the dresses in paintings from like the 1600s.
Favorite Thing Today: Looking at paintings of baby angels or as my father says: cherubs.
What I Learned Today: The word for horses in French
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: Going home!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Les Course and Plaid

Bonsoir readers! That means good evening, which it is here. Here's the post:

Day: Friday, July 8th
French Word of the Day: Course 
Translation: SHOPPING!!!
What I Did in Order: Woke up. Went downstairs for breakfast. Ate breakfast. Changed. Went to a museum called The Orangerie. Looked at Monet paintings. Left. Ate lunch. Went Course. Went back to the hotel. Hung out. Bought something for my mom. Went to dinner. Came home. Started writing this post. Went out and got chocolate. Wrote the rest of this post.
One (or two) Funny Things I Saw: A shirt with english on it that didn't make any sense. 
The Fashion: Lot's of Converse's on all ages. My clothes, which are AWESOME!!!!
Favorite Thing Today: Shopping! I got myself four items of clothing, three of which are plaid. Then I got my sister something.
What I Learned Today: How to count to ten in French!
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: Sleep in if my dad let's me and go to the Jarden De Luxembourg Playground.

Pretty Fleurs and Late Night Success

Bonjour readers!!! This post is a little different for two reasons. One, there two words of the day. Two, per your request, I have added three more sections to my posts. You will find them after "What I Did in Order".

Day: Thursday, July 7th
French Words of the Day: Fleur and Tour
Translation: Flower and Tower
What I Did in Order: Woke up. Had breakfast. Got dressed. Took a Metro, train, and eventually /bus Shuttle. Got to Giverny. Giverny is where Monet painted. Stood in line. Bought ticket. Went in. Looked at the gardens with all the pretty fleurs. Went to the stream. Took lots of pictures. I'll post some of them on my blog when I get home. Looked at the gift shop. Bought postcards. Used public transportation to get back. Went to dinner. Went to the Tour Eiffel. Stood in line. Bought ticket. Went in. Climbed to the first level. Climbed to the second level. Those together take 15 minutes. Looked around. Couldn't climb to the top. Had to take elevator. Stood in line for elevator. Took elevator to the top. Reached the top at 10:40 Took pictures. Went down. Went home. 
One (or two) Funny Things I Saw: A group of kids younger than me at the top of the Tour Eiffel at 11:00 at night.
What I Tried: Mashed Potatoes and Cooked Green Beans. 
The Fashion: I have noticed that football type jackets are VERY popular with males and females. I also noticed that there were a lot of high heels climbing the Tour Eiffel.
Favorite Thing Today: Being at the top of the Tour Eiffel at night. The whole thing lit up and every body cheered.
What I Learned Today: That you can't climb all the way to the top of the Tour Eiffel.
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: SHOPPING!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Comfy Chaises and Failed Attempts

Hello readers. This is my second installment of E in Paris. Anyway, try to enjoy the incredible jealousy you get by reading about my amazing adventures in Paris.

PS: If there's anything else you want to know about my adventures in Paris, comment on any of my Paris posts with what you want to know like what food I ate or something and I'll add it to my daily posts.

Day: Wednesday, July 6th
French Word of the Day: Chaise
Translation: Chair
What I Did in Order: Woke up at 10:00 am. Headed out. Ate crepe. Went to crypte under Notre Dame. Went to Pompidou museum. Ate lunch at a place with very comfy chaises. Went to the Eiffel tower. Stood in line. Realized we did not have enough time. Left. Bought G and my sister postcards. Got on the metro. Wrote postcards. Got back to hotel. Showered and dressed for dinner. Ate dinner at place with more comfy chaises. Came home. Wrote this.
Favorite Thing Today: Sitting in all the comfy chaises. The place we had dinner was small and had three different kinds of chaises.
What I Learned Today: France has really comfy chaises.
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: Going to Gaverni, where Monet did the paintings of the waterlilies.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Day in Paris

Day: Tuesday, July 5th
French Word of the Day: fatigue
Translation: tired
What I Did in Order: Got off the plane, Went to hotel to drop off bags and eat breakfast, Walked to a park, Played in an AWESOME playground, Went back to the hotel, Took a three-hour nap in our room because I was fatigue, Walked around, Wrote this post, Will go to dinner.
Favorite Thing Today: Playing in the playground. It was an awesome playground. It had zip line rope swings and an Eiffel Tower rope climbing thing.
What I Learned Today: The Jardin du Luxembourg playground is really cool.
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: Whatever we do, we haven't figured it out yet, just not too many museums.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Setup For Following Posts

What's up readers?! Today is the Fourth of July but I'm doing something a little unusual. I'm going to Paris, France! For five days. I'm going to try to blog everyday. I'm gonna use the same format each day. Even though I'm not in Paris yet I'm going to give an example today. Here it is:

Day: Monday, July 4th
French Word of the Day: glace
Translation: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!
What I Did in Order: Played on the computer, Wrote my friend G a letter, Played guitar, Packed, Got glace, Wrote this post.
Favorite Thing Today: Writing G a letter. My cat wrote her cat a letter on the back. It was AWESOME!!!
What I Learned Today: The magazine, The New Yorker, has very interesting covers.
What I'm Looking Forward to Tomorrow: Being in Paris!

I have to go to Paris, so bye!